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As a parent, it may be difficult to decide if your child is well enough to go to school. 

Here are some guidelines to help in decision-making from the family handbook.

A child who is ill cannot concentrate on classroom activities and may expose other children to their illness. For their protection and the protection of other children, we appreciate your help in enforcing this policy.

Parents must not allow children to come to school who have a fever, contagious disease, or who have not recovered sufficiently from an illness. Additionally, a sick child may not remain at school. Parents are expected to make immediate arrangements to pick up the child.

Specific Reasons to Keep Your Child Home
Parents should keep their children home if they:

  • Are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms. We will be following the CDC guidance regarding testing and exclusion from school.
  • Have a fever above 100 degrees. Children should stay home until no fever has been present for 24 hours without medication.
  • Have vomiting or diarrhea. Your child can return to school when symptom-free for 24 hours without medication, and the child can tolerate a regular diet.
  • Have yellow/green nasal discharge, a drainage from the eyes, Conjunctivitis (pink eye), a questionable rash, or a contagious cough. Children should be symptom-free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school.
  • Have been prescribed an antibiotic. Children may return to school 24 hours after the first dose.
  • Have chicken pox. Children may return to school when all blisters have scabbed over, at about 10 days.
  • Have a communicable illness such as (but not limited to) a common cold,
    hand-foot-and-mouth disease, impetigo, flu, or rotovirus. Children may return to school when their symptoms have cleared.
  • If a child has a continual runny nose or rash due to a non-contagious condition, please provide the school with a note from a physician clearing the child to return to school. All student allergies should be reported to the school in the medical information section of the Family Portal.

Lice Policy
The school must be notified if a student has head lice as soon as possible. The student will be excluded from school until 24 hours after appropriate treatment for lice has been completed, and the student is nit free. If a student is found to have lice, the classroom will be checked and cleaned, and information will be sent home to the parents of students in that classroom concerning appropriate procedures. School personnel and local health departments have further information on treatment and prevention of head lice. Students returning to school after being treated for lice must be checked by school personnel and be nit free before returning to the classroom. Students returning to school after lice will be checked at ten (10) days after returning and fourteen (14) days after returning.

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