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Interested in becoming a coach at HPCS?  Contact our Athletic Director today!

Current and New Coaches


Before you begin coaching:

  1. Complete the criminal background check form, and return to the school office.
  2. Review the trainings and Athletic Handbook below. 
  3. Sign and submit the Coaching Agreement Form.

Other Items


Coaching Agreement Form


Athletic Handbook Requirement 

By signing below, I confirm that I have read and understand the Athletic Handbook as it is posted above. 

Epi-Pen Training Requirement 

By signing below, I confirm that I have met the coaching requirement by viewing the assigned Epi-Pen videos on YouTube linked above.  I understand that subsequent training will be provided with actual trainer Epi-Pens. 


Concussion Awareness Training Requirement 

By signing below, I confirm that I have met the coaching requirements by viewing the assigned concussion video linked above.
Join us!