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As a Christian school, we believe coming together as a whole to worship and learn about God helps us grow deeper in relationship with God both as a community and individually. In addition to each class' daily Bible time, we gather together each week for chapel where our students get to worship together and listen to an age appropriate Bible message. 

Our chapel speakers range from current staff, our church elders, pastors, and current parents who are all strong in faith. On occasion, a special guest speaker may be invited in to share an encouraging Biblical-rooted message with our students. 

Our chapels are held by grade level, elementary and middle school, to help provide age appropriate Biblical messages. Before each message is shared, we always begin in worship. On occasion we will hold all school chapels to celebrate special events as a school community. Parents/guardians and family members are always welcome to attend chapel! If you plan on attending, please remember to sign in at the school office.


Elementary Chapel

  • Grades Kindergarten-4th
  • Held weekly on Tuesday during first period
  • Pledges and prayer lead by different grades each week

Middle School Chapel

  • Grades 5th-8th
  • Held weekly on Friday during first period
  • Pledges lead by different grades each week

Special All-School Chapels

  • All grades
  • Will be designated on our school calendar and announced in our High Point Hightlights
  • No other chapels will take place the week of a special chapel
  • Examples include: Christmas Chapel, Veteran's Day Chapel, Grandparents Day Chapel, etc.
Join us!