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Advance Absence Request Form
  • For planned absences of longer than two consecutive school days, please submit this form at least one week prior to the absence. For all other absences, please contact Excessive, non-illness absences can have a significant impact on your child’s grades and ability to learn. Under the Compulsory School Attendance guidelines, the State of Wisconsin mandates that no parent may excuse a child from school for a non-medical, parent-excused absence for more than 10 days in a school year. 

    I request that the following child(ren) be excused from school:

  • EXCUSED TRAVEL ABSENCE POLICY The value intrinsic to the classroom experience cannot be made up solely by the completion of missed assignments. Conversely, there is often a valid educational aspect to student travel, or parents may need to travel during the school year due to emergency, business, or other situations. In light of these considerations, parents are encouraged to plan their family trips during HPCS scheduled vacation periods at Christmas, in the spring, and during the summer. Travel during school days should, whenever possible, be for no more than one week and should avoid major exam periods.

    All students will be given work upon returning to school and the work will be due an equal number of days to the absence +1. If a parent desires work beforehand, the parent or student may request such work from the teacher if at least one week’s notice of absence was provided in writing to the teacher. Work given beforehand is due upon the student’s return. The teacher will be required to give work no more than three days before the absence and it must be noted that this will constitute the predictable work to be assigned. It will probably not be complete and additional make-up work may be assigned upon the student’s return. If a test is given before the make-up is due covering material the student missed, the student will be given the option of postponing taking the test. Assignments given to the entire class before the absence, but due after the student’s return, are still due on the originally assigned date.

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